Function reference

Preparation Functions

These functions fetch and analyze Python objects, including parsing docstrings. They prepare a basic representation of your doc site that can be rendered and built.

Auto Configure a python object to document (e.g. module, class, function, attribute).
blueprint Convert a configuration element to something that is ready to render.
collect Return all pages and items in a layout.
get_object Fetch a griffe object.
preview Print a friendly representation of a griffe object (e.g. function, docstring)

Docstring Renderers

Renderers convert parsed docstrings into a target format, like markdown.

MdRenderer Render docstrings to markdown.
MdRenderer.render Return a string representation of an object, or layout element.
MdRenderer.render_annotation Special hook for rendering a type annotation.
MdRenderer.render_header Render the header of a docstring, including any anchors.
MdRenderer.signature Return a string representation of an object’s signature.
MdRenderer.summarize Produce a summary table.

API Builders

Builders are responsible for building documentation. They tie all the pieces of quartodoc together, and can be defined in your _quarto.yml config.

Builder Base class for building API docs.
Builder.from_quarto_config Construct a Builder from a configuration object (or yaml file). Build index page, sphinx inventory, and individual doc pages.
Builder.write_index Write API index page.
Builder.write_doc_pages Write individual function documentation pages.
Builder.write_sidebar Write a yaml config file for API sidebar.
Builder.create_inventory Generate sphinx inventory object.

Data models


Classes for specifying the broad structure your docs.

layout.Layout The layout of an API doc, which may include many pages.
layout.Section A section of content on the reference index page.
layout.Page A page of documentation.
layout.SectionElement Entry in the sections list.
layout.ContentElement Entry in the contents list.


Classes representing python objects to be rendered.

layout.Doc A python object to be documented.
layout.DocFunction Document a python function.
layout.DocAttribute Document a python attribute.
layout.DocModule Document a python module.
layout.DocClass Document a python class.
layout.Link A link to an object (e.g. a method that gets documented on a separate page).
layout.Item Information about a documented object, including a URI to its location.
layout.ChoicesChildren Options for how child members of a class or module should be documented.

Docstring patches

Most of the classes for representing python objects live in griffe.dataclasses or griffe.docstrings.dataclasses. However, the quartodoc.ast module has a number of custom classes to fill in support for some important docstring sections.
