
Auto(self, **kwargs)

Configure a python object to document (e.g. module, class, function, attribute).


Name Type Description
name str Name of the object. This should be the path needed to import it.
signature_name Style of name to use in the signature. Can be “relative”, “full”, or “short”. Relative is whatever was used as the name argument, full is the fully qualified path the object, and short is the name of the object (i.e. no periods).
members A list of members, such as attributes or methods on a class, to document.
include_private Whether to include members starting with “_”
include_imports Whether to include members that were imported from somewhere else.
include_empty Whether to include members with no docstring.
include_inherited Whether to include members inherited from a parent class.
include_attributes Whether to include attributes.
include_classes Whether to include classes.
include_functions Whether to include functions.
include (Not implemented). A list of members to include.
exclude (Not implemented). A list of members to exclude.
dynamic Whether to dynamically load docstring. By default docstrings are loaded using static analysis. dynamic may be a string pointing to another object, to return an alias for that object.
children Style for presenting members. Either separate, embedded, or flat.
package If specified, object lookup will be relative to this path.
member_options Options to apply to members. These can include any of the options above.