='Sort {name}',
filter_placeholder='Filter {name}',
search_label='No rows found',
page_previous='{page} of {pages}',
page_numbers='{rowStart}–{rowEnd} of {rows} rows',
page_info='Show {rows}',
page_size_options='Next page',
page_next_label='Previous page',
page_previous_label='Page {page}',
page_number_label='Go to page',
page_jump_label='Rows per page',
page_size_options_label='Toggle group',
group_expand_label='Toggle details',
details_expand_label='Select all rows',
select_all_rows_label='Select all rows in group',
select_all_sub_rows_label='Select row',
select_row_label )
Language options.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
sort_label | str | Accessible label for column sort buttons. Takes a {name} parameter for the column name. |
'Sort {name}' |
filter_placeholder | str | Placeholder for column filter inputs. | '' |
filter_label | str | Accessible label for column filter inputs. Takes a {name} parameter for the column name. |
'Filter {name}' |
search_placeholder | str | Placeholder for the table search input. | 'Search' |
search_label | str | Accessible label for the table search input. | 'Search' |
no_data | str | Placeholder text when the table has no data. | 'No rows found' |
page_next | str | Text for the next page button. | 'Next' |
page_previous | str | Text for the previous page button. | 'Previous' |
page_numbers | str | Text for the page numbers info. Only used with the “jump” and “simple” pagination types. Takes the following parameters: {page} for the current page, {pages} for the total number of pages. | '{page} of {pages}' |
page_info | str | Text for the page info. Takes the following parameters: {rowStart} for the starting row of the page, {rowEnd} for the ending row of the page, {rows} for the total number of rows. |
'{rowStart}–{rowEnd} of {rows} rows' |
page_size_options | str | Text for the page size options input. Takes a {rows} parameter for the page size options input. | 'Show {rows}' |
page_next_label | str | Accessible label for the next page button. | 'Next page' |
page_previous_label | str | Accessible label for the previous page button. | 'Previous page' |
page_number_label | str | Accessible label for the page number buttons. Only used with the the “numbers” pagination type. Takes a {page} parameter for the page number. | 'Page {page}' |
page_jump_label | str | Accessible label for the page jump input. Only used with the “jump” pagination type. | 'Go to page' |
page_size_options_label | str | Accessible label for the page size options input. | 'Rows per page' |
group_expand_label | str | Accessible label for the row group expand button. | 'Toggle group' |
details_expand_label | str | Accessible label for the row details expand button. | 'Toggle details' |
select_all_rows_label | str | Accessible label for the select all rows checkbox. | 'Select all rows' |
select_all_sub_rows_label | str | Accessible label for the select all sub rows checkbox. | 'Select all rows in group' |
select_row_label | str | Accessible label for the select row checkbox. | 'Select row' |