Conditional styling (python)

You can conditionally style a table using functions that return inline styles or CSS classes. Just like with custom rendering, style functions can either be in Python or JavaScript.

from reactable import Reactable, Column, embed_css
from import sleep


Cell styles

Pass a function to the Column() parameter style= to set conditional CSS styles. The function should take a single CellInfo argument.

Below is an example function, which sets the color and font-weight styles.

from reactable.models import CellInfo

def cond_style(ci: CellInfo):
    return {
        "color": "#008800" if ci.value > 0 else "#e00000",
        "font-weight": "bold",

Notice these 3 pieces:

  • cond_style will be applied to every cell in a column.
  • The value of the CSS color depends on ci.value, which is the value of the current cell.
  • CSS rules are returned as a dictionary.

Here’s the function above used to conditionarlly style the "extra" column:

    sleep[:6, :],

Cell class

Pass a function to the Column() parameter class_= to set a class attribute on each cell in a column. Similar to style=, the function should take a CellInfo object.

Here’s an example, which sets some CSS, and then renders a table with class set to "big" when the extra column is 3.4.

.big {
  font-weight: bold;
  color: red;
def big_class(ci: CellInfo):
    return "big" if ci.value == 3.4 else None

    sleep[:6, :],
        "extra": Column(class_=big_class),

Row styles and class

Pass a function to row_style= or row_class= to set row-based styles or class names, respectively. The function should take row number as its only argument.

.bold {
  font-weight: bold;
# define conditional row style and row class functions ----
def f_row_style(indx: int):
    if sleep[indx, "extra"] > 0:
        return {"background": "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05)"}

def f_row_class(indx: int):
    if sleep[indx, "extra"] > 0:
        return "bold"

# generate table ----
    sleep[:6, :],