
Opening the Workshop in a GitHub Codespace

  • Your codespace will initialize. Once done, you’ll get dropped into a browser version of VS Code. Stay on this page until you see that the terminal has finished installing requirements.txt

  • Once that’s finished, exit VS Code and return to the GitHub repository for the workshop

  • Click back into the < > Code dropdown, find the codespace that you just created, and click on the three dots next to it. Click Open in ... and select Open in JupyterLab

Using JupyterLab for the Code Exercises

  • Once dropped in JupyterLab you’ll see a file browser to the left. To open the interactive exercises as notebooks, navigate to the Code folder.

  • To open a lesson, right click on the file and select Open With –> Notebook

  • From here, you can interact with and run the code cells. To run a code cell, click the cell and then the Run button at the top of the file (or click ctrl + enter). Start by running the import cell at the top of the file.

  • Throughout the notebook you will see cells with prompts to complete a query. You can see their solutions by clicking on the three dots below the prompt cell.

  • Throughout the notebooks you will also see multiple choice questions related to the data exercises. You can see their solutions by clicking on the toggle next to them.

keep everything below?

  • table of contents
  • a little background on quarto

Lesson notebooks

  • contain slides and exercises
  • can open on the website (link to one)


  • can open in speaker view to see notes