Group by

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from setup import ___

from siuba import *
from plotnine import *

from music_top200 import music_top200, track_features

Exercise 1:

Modify the code below so it calculates max popularity and average danceability for each artist.

artists = (track_features
  >> summarize(
      max_popularity = _.popularity.max(),
      avg_danceability = _.danceability.mean()
max_popularity avg_danceability
0 99 0.677937

1 rows × 2 columns

Make a scatterplot of the data.

artists = (track_features
  >> group_by(_.artist)
  >> summarize(
      max_popularity = _.popularity.max(),
      avg_danceability = _.danceability.mean()


  >> ggplot(aes("max_popularity", "avg_danceability"))
   + geom_point()
            artist  max_popularity  avg_danceability
0     #LikeMe Cast              44             0.413
1     #TocoParaVos              42             0.815
2             $NOT              43             0.847
...            ...             ...               ...
7190            黃莉               0             0.544
7191            黃齡              37             0.563
7192           NaN              36             0.245

[7193 rows x 3 columns]

In the plot above, what strange thing is going on with the distribution of max popularity?

possible answer

There are many artists with a max popularity of 0!

Exercise 2:

In the last exercise of the facets chapter, you examined track features for three artists.

# This code keeps the 3 artists listed ----

artists_to_keep = ["Billie Eilish", "ITZY", "Roddy Ricch"]

some_artists = (
  >> filter(_.artist.isin(artists_to_keep))

#uncomment line below to see data

We used a plot and intuition to judge who tended to have highest energy and valence tracks.

# This code plots the data ----
  >> ggplot(aes("energy", "valence", color = "artist"))
   + geom_point()
   + facet_wrap("~artist", nrow = 1)
   + labs(title = "Song features across 3 artists")

Now you should be able to answer the question more directly!

Use a grouped summarize to calculate the mean energy and valence for each artist.

# summarizing mean energy and valence for each artist
# This code plots the data ----
  >> group_by(_.artist)
  >> summarize(avg_energy =, avg_valence = _.valence.mean())
artist avg_energy avg_valence
0 Billie Eilish 0.321004 0.266948
1 ITZY 0.880250 0.720000
2 Roddy Ricch 0.571444 0.457333

3 rows × 3 columns

Q: In this data, which artist has the lowest average energy, and what is its value?

answer Billie Eilish, 0.321004

Q: What about for lowest average valence?

answer Billie Eilish, 0.266948